Study of experience of physical and sports activities of students of technical university

Keywords: physical culture and sports activities, student, physical development, motivation, endurance


Abstract. The article substantiates the relevance of studying the experience of physical culture and sports activities of students of a technical university as a factor in increasing individual youth motivation for physical development. The solution of this problem is an important state task of developing human potential, increasing the active life of the population, increasing working capacity, level of physical development, maintaining and strengthening the health of the country's population. The aim of the study presented in the article is to determine the endurance determining students of a technical university with the existing experience of their physical education and sports activities, to describe the methodology for identifying it among first-year students of the Institute of Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering and Material Processing of the FSBEI HE "MSTU named after G. I. Nosova ”and the rationale for the motives of activity and behavior of active life in the direction of development of endurance. The study is carried out using a complex of methods: theoretical (inductive and deductive methods, analysis, generalization), which allows to identify the degree of development of the problem in pedagogical science; empirical (pedagogical experiment, observation, methods of oral and written survey, as well as methods of mathematical statistics). The relationship between the results in ski races shown in 2018 and 2020 is established. Using the method of mathematical statistics using t-student criterion, it was found that in the men's 5000 meters run the difference between the samples in 2018 and 2020 is statistically significant, that is, significant and fundamental. This confirms the hypothesis of a decrease in the level of development of endurance in young men in 2020 compared to 2018. As a result of the study, the need to introduce new teaching methods and technologies into the physical education process was identified and justified, supplementing the existing theoretical concepts of the formation of a student’s behavior culture based on individual human motivation for physical development. As a result of the study, the need was identified for introducing new approaches to the learning process in the process of physical education of university students, ensuring the formation of a conscious attitude to physical exercises, increasing physical activity, contributing to the development of the functional capabilities of the body involved.


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Author Biographies

Ustselemova Natalya Alexandrovna, Magnitogorsk state technical university

Senior Lecturer Department of Physical Education

Ustselemov Sergey Valerevich , Magnitogorsk state technical university

Senior Lecturer Department of Physical Education


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How to Cite
Ustselemova N. A., Ustselemov S. V. Study of experience of physical and sports activities of students of technical university // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 86-96. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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