The relevance of sports nutrition during training in the gym

  • Lopatina Olga Alekseevna Altai State University Email:
  • Prihodko Julia Sergeevna Altai State University Email:
Keywords: sports nutrition, balanced nutrition, dietary supplementss, gainers, amino acids, protein, nutriens


Summary: This article discusses the relevance of sports nutrition for people involved in the gym, through their own research in the form of questionnaires. The definition of sports nutrition is given - this is a special group of nutritional supplements, produced mainly for people involved in sports and fitness, and professional athletes, as well as in preparation for competitions. This article will focus mainly on the nutrition of people engaged in strength training in the gym, as well as on those who prefer less heavy loads in the gym (cardio). Sports nutrition itself is necessary to restore strength after a hard workout, as well as to improve athletic performance and increase endurance. However, those who prefer more sparing workouts in the gym and resort to exercises with lighter weight, use a balanced diet, which consists of simple products, as a restoration of strength. A balanced diet is enough to achieve certain results in sports. There is a lot of information about sports nutrition, so it is not unique. There are reasons for starting to use sports nutrition (increasing the effectiveness of training, due to muscle building, trainer's advice), and reasons for refusing (fear of fakes, high price, the opinion that all sports nutrition is chemistry). From our questionnaire, it became clear that almost half of the AltSU students surveyed use a simple balanced diet, as they prefer training with low weight and therefore they do not need to recover after a hard training. To achieve any result in sports, nutrition should be balanced and contain the nutrients required by the body: carbohydrates (starch and sugar), protein (chicken, poultry, cottage cheese) and fats (nuts, avocados). The article defines each nutrient. In total, there are three types of sports nutrition - gainer, protein and amino acids. All of them are aimed at increasing muscle mass, but have their own differences, which are important to know to maintain their health. The article describes in detail each type of sports nutrition, what it is intended for and what disadvantages each of them has. For example, a gainer should not be used by people who are inclined to be overweight, because instead of losing kilograms they will get a load on the heart and other organs.


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Author Biographies

Lopatina Olga Alekseevna, Altai State University

Associate Professor of Physical Education

Prihodko Julia Sergeevna, Altai State University



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How to Cite
Lopatina O. A., Prihodko J. S. The relevance of sports nutrition during training in the gym // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 106-114. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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