The restoration of the boxers during the training and after the competition

  • Petr Yurievich Galkin Ural state University of physical culture Email:
  • Eduard Yurievich Kulpin Ural state University of physical culture. Chelyabinsk Email:


 The purpose of the work: to study ways to restore athletes during training camps and after competitions by restoring athletic performance. Material and methods of research. The work was carried out in Chelyabinsk. To assess the effectiveness of recovery of boxers, monitoring observations of physical conditions and physical fitness of 30 1st-class athletes were carried out. Research result. The rehabilitation measures carried out have shown high efficiency. There is an improvement in functional indicators in athletes. Conclusions. To improve the quality and effectiveness of the training process in Boxing, it is necessary to plan and practically use complexes of restorative means. Recovery is an integral part of training, no less important than a rational load regime. The unity of training camps, competitions and recovery is the basis for proper training of athletes. When planning recovery activities, it is important to keep in mind that their overall orientation and intensity largely depend on the period of the training process and the tasks of a particular microcycle. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the processes of fatigue and recovery in the body of boxers during training camps and competitions. A rational system of sports training, which includes relaxation exercises, various types of massage, psychological and medico – biological recovery tools, contributes to a good recovery of boxers, as well as prevent them from overtraining, injuries and injuries associated with overloads.


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Author Biographies

Petr Yurievich Galkin, Ural state University of physical culture

Ph. D., associate Professor, Professor of the Department. Нead of the Department of hockey and football 

Eduard Yurievich Kulpin , Ural state University of physical culture. Chelyabinsk

Ph. D., associate Professor of Boxing theory and methodology


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How to Cite
Galkin P. Y., Kulpin E. Y. The restoration of the boxers during the training and after the competition // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 120-132. URL:
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