Keywords: floorball,, sports training, development of coordination, sports,, junior team


 The relevance of this work is essentially incomplete research in the preparationof coordination abilities of young floorballs from 15 to 18 years old in the Russian Federation. Floorballis an amateur sport in our country, however, and it requires deep study to increase the competitiveability of players in the Russian and international arena. At this age, young people have an activetransition from junior teams to adults, and this requires them to more complex training of coordinationskills and additional experience of the coaching staff of teams.The purpose of the article is to study the coordination abilities of young floorballs. The authorsof the work consider various training coordination exercises, such as: managing their own weight, usingathletics barriers of different heights and high-speed coordination ladders in the training processof athletes. The basis of the methodology is research, pedagogical experiment and observations. Overthe course of three years, the impact of coordination exercises on the performance of juniorNN-FBK-30 teams was studied.The article describes the coordination training of young floorballs. The composition of trainingtasks necessary for performance in the loading, pre-competition and competitive training cycleand their intensity. A number of coordination exercises are presented, which are performed byplayers of the floorball team NN-FBK-30.


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Author Biographies

Kiseliv Yaroslav Vyacheslavovich, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Lecturer at the Department of «Physical Culture and Sports»

Guryanov Maxim Sergeevich, Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the «Department of Physical Cultureand Sports»


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How to Cite
Kiseliv Y. V., Guryanov M. S. DEVELOPMENT OF COORDINATION ABILITIES OF FLOORBOLISTS FROM 15 TO 18 YEARS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 70-77. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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