• Romanova Elena Veniaminovna Altai State University Email:
  • Peregudova Tatyana Maratovna Altai State University Email:
  • Denisova Galina Sergeevna Altai State University Email:
  • Kolpakova Elena Mikhailovna Altai State University Email:
  • Bugunov Maxim Dmitrievich Altai State University Email:
  • Voronkov Ivan Filippovich Altai State University Email:
Keywords: posture, physical exercises, physical culture, back strengthening


The purpose of the experimental research was the development and testing of a set of special exercises that form the correct posture in physical culture classes at a university. Thegoal was concretized through the formulation of a number of tasks: to identify the degree of posturedisorders in first-year students, to develop and try a set of physical exercises aimed at correcting posturedisorders, evaluate the effectiveness of work on the formation of correct posture for physical education.The study consisted of three stages: ascertaining, formative, control. The results of the study of the degreeof posture disorders at the control stage indicate that the number of children in the experimental groupwith normal posture increased in the process of purposeful work. Based on the results of the primary research, a set of special physical exercises and outdoor games was compiled, aimed at correctingstudents’ posture disorders in the experimental group. Within the framework of physical culture,the dosing of the load was carried out by changing the tempo, amplitude, number of movements,as well as by burdening and resistance. After each lesson, students were given homework, whichthey had to do on their own at home. Special exercises were included in various forms of physicalculture work at the university: in physical education, gymnastics before classes, in physical educationin the classroom, physical education activities for an extended break x. Complexes of special physicalexercises and outdoor games, conducted with first-year students in physical culture classes, positivelyinfluenced the formation of correct posture.


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Author Biographies

Romanova Elena Veniaminovna, Altai State University

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Physical Education

Peregudova Tatyana Maratovna, Altai State University

Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, College

Denisova Galina Sergeevna, Altai State University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education

Kolpakova Elena Mikhailovna, Altai State University

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education

Bugunov Maxim Dmitrievich, Altai State University

Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education

Voronkov Ivan Filippovich, Altai State University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education


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How to Cite
Romanova E. V., Peregudova T. M., Denisova G. S., Kolpakova E. M., Bugunov M. D., Voronkov I. F. FORMATION OF CORRECT POSTURE AMONG FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 78-86. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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