Physical education of children from birth to 7 years and its impact on health

Keywords: physical education


The health problem of the young generation is one of the priority directions in the social policy of our country. At various levels, various measures are being developed to improve the health of children, but the problem of its steady decline remains relevant. In this article, we turned to the most important period in terms of the development of the child's organism, which is often forgotten not only by parents, but also by doctors - this is the period from 0 to 7 years. Indeed, often the awareness of the necessity for physical education comes at an older age, and the modern world does not at all leave opportunities for sufficient physical activity. As a result, we get an increase in the number of chronic diseases and an increase in the incidence of respiratory infections, which is most relevant now. All this leads to a decrease in the quality of life. In our study, we analyzed 3 groups of children, distributed according to the level of activity from high - these are children involved in sports sections; to low - children with extremely low amount of physical activity. The following criteria were taken as indicators of health: the presence of chronic diseases, their course (the number of exacerbations per year) and the incidence of acute respiratory infections. As a result, we made the following conclusion: physical education directly affects the body's resistance to infections, the functionality of organs and systems, the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of diseases and, in addition, the earlier the child received physical activity and general strengthening measures on a regular basis, the less often those or other chronic pathologies. It can be argued that physical education already from birth can minimize the risks of diseases, and physical inactivity is an unfavorable background


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Author Biography

Irina Stepanova , Pacific State Medical University



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How to Cite
 Sturova E., Stepanova I., Smirnova A. Physical education of children from birth to 7 years and its impact on health // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 24, № 4. P. 36-47. URL:
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