Correlation of the athletic performance of an ultra-long distance runner and his labor productivity
Any human activity associated with work is characterized by fatigue, which is directly related to the physiology of our body. A lot of special literature is devoted to the study of fatigue and attempts to classify it in the process of human activity, attempts have been made to divide the entire shift work process of a person into phases (Prusova N.V., Boronova G.Kh., 2019), (Ryzhov A.Ya., 2009 ), (Lemeshevskaya E.P., Kurenkova G.V. and Zhukova E.V., 2016), (Fomina E.A., Arutyunyan M.M., 2017). There is also a branch of physiology that studies the mechanisms of human physiological processes leading to fatigue and their regularities - the physiology of labor. This industry regulates the processes of organizing human labor, regulates the rate of human labor, and determines the amount of highly productive working time for a person. A person's ability to perform a certain amount of work for a certain period of time at a certain level of efficiency and active involvement in the labor process determines his performance (Prusova N.V., Boronova G.Kh., 2019). Physical work that an athlete performs during a competition is also characterized by fatigue, and the entire training process of an athlete is aimed at preparing his body to resist this fatigue. The authors of a number of scientific works on the psychology of labor divide a person's working capacity into separate phases characteristic of a certain period of time of labor activity. So the authors Prusova N.V. and Boronov G.Kh. in their work, they define the cycles of the work shift - training, optimal performance, the stage of fatigue and, finally, the "second wind" or the final impulse (Prusova N.V., Boronova G.Kh., 2019). The authors V.S.Serdyuk, A.M.Dobrenko, Yu.S. Belousov, who adhere to a similar point of view and offer us the dynamics of performance in the form of a graph in Fig. 1 (Serdyuk V.S., Dobrenko A.M., 2018). Human labor productivity of other authors on labor psychology is presented in a similar way (Fomina E.A., Arutyunyan M.M., 2017). In this article, an attempt is made to make a comparative analysis of the performance during a work shift of the human body without special physical skills and response to prolonged physical activity of a trained athlete's body with a high level of performance.
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