Methods of studying the attractiveness of motor activity for students

  • Dmitry Belousko Altai State University Email:
Keywords: physical culture, personal physical culture formation, attractiveness of motor activity, motivation, motivational-value attitude.


Over time, the importance of physical culture has been steadily increasing, which is a reflection of the tendency to improve the humanistic social paradigm. This turns us directly to man, his essence and existence. The issues of comprehensive and harmonious personal development are becoming more acute in the problems of physical education, which entails the need to solve the problem of the formation of productive motivation.The purpose of the study was to design and test a methodology for determining the attractiveness of motor activity for students.In the course of the study, the factors of attractiveness of motor activity were identified.1. The attractiveness of the actual process of performing motor actions (the manifestation of kinesophilia, the feeling of “muscular joy” during exercise, the enjoyment of excessive fatigue after exercise, the feeling of water, the feeling of snow, etc.).2. Attractiveness of sensations arising from the impact of social factors accompanying motor activity (disclosure of the phenomenon of team interaction, awareness of the advantages of a unique microenvironment of small social groups, feelings of cohesion, mutual sympathy, social security, mutual assistance).3. Attractiveness of feelings of struggle, victory, overcoming oneself, characteristic of physical culture and sports activities.

4. The attractiveness of feelings of one’s own worthiness, success in physical, cultural and sports activities, achievement of the intended result, productive transformation of oneself.

The presented structure formed the basis of the developed methodology, tested on students of the first and second courses of the full-time department of the Altai State University.According to the results of the study, it can be noted that the sensations from the very process of performing motor actions turned out to be the most attractive for students. The average value was35.9 points. Further, according to the degree of attractiveness, there are such blocks of questions as the attractiveness of sensations arising from the influence of social factors (34.2 points); the attractiveness of feelings of struggle, victory, overcoming oneself (32.8 points); the attractiveness of feelings of one’s own worthiness, success in physical culture and sports activities is 32.7 points.Thus, the attempt to build a methodology to determine the overall level of attractiveness of motor activity for students, as well as to identify the individual aspect ratio of this attractiveness for each interviewee gave its results. The demonstrated capabilities of the developed methodology are useful to us for use in the field of physical education pedagogy and, in particular, in solving the problem of forming the motivational and value attitude of students to physical culture and sports activities.


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How to Cite
Belousko D. Methods of studying the attractiveness of motor activity for students // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 25, № 1. P. 24-31. URL:
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