Professional sports as a way of connecting with the “significant other” (on the example of the manchester united football club»)
The object of the study is the football club “Manchester United”, the history of which is interesting because it clearly shows the process of evolution of a complex socio-economic system that combines sports, show business, industry, ideology and politics at the same time. The aim of the study is to consider the football game as a way of interaction of players and other persons involvedwith the “significant Other”.The methodological basis of the research is the concept of the general organizational science of A.A. Bogdanov, according to which a model of a sports club describing its relationship with the external environment is proposed.The article states that the relationship with the” significant Other “goes through several stages: “pleasant”, “useful”, “noble” and “holy”. These stages correspond to the stages of development of both an individual and associations of people.Professional club “Manchester United” operates today at the level of “Noble”, and its structure consists of several functional levels operating in parallel: political, technological, economic, coaching and physical. It is stated that these levels are connected mainly by information, and the largest part of the connections between them is carried out indirectly-through external actors.It is proved that the sports club, as a socio-economic system, is based on a difference (in the understanding of A. A. Bogdanov), which triggers long-term material, information and energy flows. Each functional level of a sports club works with a specific type of such flow, seeking to close its poles and thereby ensure the strategic viability of the club.
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