The motor and cultural literacy problem of a person as a cognitive basis for a healthy lifestyle in recent years in the Republic of Belarus (as well as throughout the world) has become increasingly relevant. The reason for this is the progressing dynamics of the musculoskeletal system diseases, starting from childhood, and the related psychosomatic and neurological dysfunctions, which subsequently lead to internal human diseases. The rural community is no exception here. The purpose of the article is to present the results of pedagogical innovation in the motor and cultural literacy formation of a person in a rural community. The main research materials and methods used in the study are scientific and theoretical analysis, generalization and synthesis of other authors research results, as well as their own. The latter are presented in the article by the indicator data of pedagogical knowledge control, skills and subjects physical condition of the educational space of a rural school based on questioning, somatometry, physiometry, chronometry. The study of the methodology effectiveness for the motor and cultural literacy formation of the individual was carried out as part of a natural pedagogical experiment in 2017-2020 in 23 institutions of general education in rural areas of the Republic of Belarus, covering about one thousand rural residents aged 3 to 79 years. The result of the innovation was the implementation of the same name methodology into the educational space of rural schools as movement and cultural centers and its experimental and pedagogical justification. The pedagogical experiment has established that the system of organizational, educational and socio-pedagogical measures being implemented contributes to the awareness of the motor culture importance by the majority of rural community representatives as a factor in the health-creative improvement of human nature based on compensation for the imbalance between the real volume and quality of the individual's motor activity, on the one hand, and the existing need for a natural environment correction of these categories on the other hand.
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