• Erik Martirosyan Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport Email:
  • Frunzik Ghazaryan Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport Email:
Keywords: health improvement, physical fitness, preschool children, amount of motor activity, functional state


At all times and among all peoples, the problem of child preparation for school remains relevant. This process, among other things, should be aimed at improving health, increasing the level of physical fitness and efficiency. The major purpose of the work was to review and discuss the quality of child preparation for school, taking into consideration the level of the motor readiness. Historical, theoretical and logical analysis, generalization of pedagogical experience, empirical methods of analysis, comparison, and analogy were used as research methods. The results of the research are reviewed and discussed in three directions. The first is about the importance and necessity of motor readiness of children entering school. Outstanding specialists do correctly point out that to enter school at the age of 6.5, a child must, firstly, be physically ready so as not to get tired, and, secondly, be psychologically, emotionally, and intellectually ready. Second, speaking about the importance of physical fitness, it should be noted that in modern society there is a progressive intellectualization of practical activity, which is equal to the sphere of physical education and sport training. Therefore, since the very beginning of school education, it is necessary to have relationship between the motor and intellectual development of schoolchildren. Third, one of the main issues of preparing children for school is a more effective and meaningful use of physical education opportunities. In this regard, specific recommendations have been made.

The success of school education depends on various aspects of children's readiness for school -intellectual, psychological, functional and especially motor. Children who are not sufficiently prepared in this regard find it very difficult to adapt to school and experience certain difficulties. Today, this problem cannot be called settled and requires further research.


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Author Biographies

Erik Martirosyan , Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport

Associate Professor of the Chair of Cyclic Sports

Frunzik Ghazaryan , Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport

Professor of the Chair of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Adaptive Physical Culture, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite
Martirosyan E., Ghazaryan F. PHYSICAL TRAINING AS A FACTOR OF CHILDREN’S ADJUSTMENT TO SCHOOL // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 34, № 2. URL:
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