• Svetlana Zavarukhina Ural State University of Physical Culture Email:
  • Irina Kharina Ural State University of Physical Culture Email:
  • Daniil Dovner Ural State University of Physical Culture Email:
  • Victoria Nazarova Ural State University of Physical Culture Email:
Keywords: body composition, minifootball, bioimpedance measurement, food pattern, physical work ability


Bioimpedance analysis in dynamics allows you to evaluate the effectiveness and adjust the direction of the training process, predict changes in physical performance and competently provide nutritional and metabolic support. The study involved female students of the Ural State University of Physical Culture, who play minifootball, with 8 years of sports experience. Diagnosis was carried out twice in June 2022 and June 2023. Purpose of the study: to implement monitoring of the component composition of female athletes using the bioimpedance measurement method who are involved in futsal under the auspices of the Russian Student Sports Union (RSSU). Methods. Diagnostics were carried out using a basic multi-frequency portable body composition analyzer ACCUNIQ BC300 (SELVAS Healthcare Inc., Daejeon, South Korea) in the morning on an empty stomach, with preliminary preparation for the research procedure. Results. Initially, it was established that the anthropometric data of minifootball players, taking into account gender, age, and the specifics of the sport, corresponded to the reference values. Hydration status, indicators of protein and mineral metabolism, percentage of fat and lean body mass, within the reference range. It has been established that among female soccer players the values of active cell mass and skeletal muscle mass are in the lower limits of the reference values. According to the monitoring, a conclusion was made about the formation of a food pattern with dominance of carbohydrates and fats in the basic diet, and a lack of protein, as evidenced by low skeletal muscle values and segmental analysis of lean mass. 


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Author Biographies

Svetlana Zavarukhina , Ural State University of Physical Culture

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Biochemistry

Irina Kharina , Ural State University of Physical Culture

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of The Department of Anatomy

Daniil Dovner , Ural State University of Physical Culture

master’s student at the Department of Anatomy

Victoria Nazarova , Ural State University of Physical Culture

candidate master of sports in minifootball, teacher of the department of theory and methodology of hockey and football, 2nd year master's student


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How to Cite
Zavarukhina S., Kharina I., Dovner D., Nazarova V. MONITORING THE COMPONENT COMPOSITION OF THE BODY OF FEMALE ATHLETES PLAYING MINIFOOTBALL // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 34, № 2. URL:
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