УДК 796

  • Irina Ruslanovna Papandopulo Sochi State University Email:
  • Konstantin Georgievich Tomilin Sochi State University Email:
Keywords: athletes 10–12 years old, speed abilities, experimental technique, relay races, games


An attempt is made to supplement and expand the understanding of the organizationof the training process of athletes (at the stage of initial training) with special means using thegame method. In a pedagogical experiment on 48 athletes (boys and girls), the effectiveness of theexperimental methodology was determined, including: blocks of outdoor games aimed at developingelementary and complex types of speed abilities; sets of conjugate development exercises (running+ jumping); relay races to prevent the formation of a “speed barrier” from hill to hill 6x40 meters, aswell as a relay race with a handicap of 4x50 meters, to increase motivation for training sessions, etc.Correlation analysis between the recorded indicators has been carried out.The effectiveness of the experimental method (p<0.05), aimed at developing the speed abilitiesof athletes of 10–12 years old, using the game method was revealed. Correlation analysis showedthat after the pedagogical experiment there was a change in the structure of correlations betweenthe studied indicators in both groups: during the training process, some connections disappeared,others appeared.Our studies allow us to assert that the use of more games for the development of speed andreaction speed will improve the results of short-distance runners without forcing special training(p<0.05).


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How to Cite
Papandopulo I. R., Tomilin K. G. GAME METHOD: THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPEED ABILITIES IN ATHLETES 10–12 YEARS OLD // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 20, № 4. P. 81-91 DOI: 10.14258/zosh(2020)4.11. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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