Профилактика пищевой аллергии у студентов вуза средствами оздоровительной физической культуры
. This article is devoted to one of the most pressing problems of the modernity - the problem of preventing food allergies in young people. According to the World Health Organization, allergy is the third largest prevalence in the world. Allergies are often the cause of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, food allergies are manifested in people who were treated with antibiotics at an early age, as well as in those with intestinal dysbacteriosis. The main directions in the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions is a comprehensive approach and consistency in the implementation of various therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at eliminating the symptoms of allergies, and at preventing exacerbations of its manifestations. In food allergies, the appointment of an adequate nutrition that is appropriate in terms of the volume and ratio of food ingredients to age, weight of the diseased, concomitant somatic diseases and other factors is of paramount importance. The exclusion from the diet of a causally significant food allergen, refers to the main methods of treatment of food allergies. From a practical point of view, it is important for each person to know what kind of foodstuffs have an allergic potential. The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted with students of a special medical department of the Altai State University. As part of the research, the authors consider the concept and essence of food allergy, the main causes and factors that provoke its occurrence in the student age category, and offer basic methods for the prevention of this disease.
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