«On the ecological footpath of health!»: the organization and holding the integrated occupations on physical culture in the conditions of preschool education

  • Natalya Yurevna Mishchenko Ural State University of physical culture Email: NUMishenko@yandex.ru


In article the maintenance of the concepts «integration», «integrated approach», features of application of integrative approach in preschool education in the context of those changes which happen in the Russian preschool education in connection with introduction of Federal state educational standard of preschool education is considered. Characteristic of the integrated occupations is given and features of their organization in the conditions of preschool education are revealed. Definite purposes, tasks, research methods. The experimental technique of the integrated classes in physical culture directed to the interfaced solution of problems of physical and ecological training of children of preschool age is presented. The developed technique provides integration of sections of physical and ecological training. Year-round carrying out one of studies on physical culture in the form of the integrated occupation on the ecological footpath of health laid in the green space is provided. Educational material is distributed on seasons on four thematic blocks – «Fall», «Winter», «Spring», «Summer».

Taking into account age mental features of children of preschool age for increase in their interest in occupations, «the owner of a track» – the fairy tale character Lesovichok who participates practically in all occupations is made. The integrated sports occupations assume complex use of means of physical training: hygienic factors, natural and improving factors and physical exercises (applied, gymnastic, sports and also outdoor games). Physical exercises are presented by applied, gymnastic, sports exercises and outdoor games. Their selection is caused not only age, the state of health, level of physical readiness of children, season, by weather conditions, program tasks, but also interrelation with the content of naturalists' observations, stories and conversations about the nature. The exercises imitating objects and the phenomena of live and inanimate nature and also activity in the environment are applied.

Use of figurative names of exercises, methods of imitation and imitation is provided. Dynamic exercises and also exercises of cyclic character promoting expansion of functionality of a children's organism and, that most, to the general strengthening of health and increase in working capacity have advantage.

It is shown positive influence of an experimental technique on the level of physical development and physical fitness, dynamics of gain of indicators of physical fitness of children of skilled groups in the course of the experiment (%) and also the level of ecological good breeding which included determination of level of ecological knowledge, identification of nature of the relation of preschool children to the nature, features of their ecological representations and abilities of implementation of activity with natural objects. Considerable attention is paid to the perspective directions of further scientific search in the designated problem. The approximate plan abstract of the integrated class in physical culture for children of 4-5 years directed to realization of problems of educational areas is in conclusion presented: «Physical development» and «Knowledge» «On a horse to Father Frost!»


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Author Biography

Natalya Yurevna Mishchenko , Ural State University of physical culture

associate professor of the theory and technique of physical training

Federal state-funded educational institution

the higher education Ural State University of physical culture.

Chelyabinsk, Russia



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How to Cite
Mishchenko N. Y. «On the ecological footpath of health!»: the organization and holding the integrated occupations on physical culture in the conditions of preschool education // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 2(13). P. 45-64. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/5616.
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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