Ee article reveals the concept of physical culture as one of the types of culture of society and of the person as a whole, the ǁeld of activity of which, on the one hand, is a speciǁc process aimed at forming a person’s physical readiness for life, on the other hand, is the result of human activity, a means and a way of physical improvement of people. Physical culture, as an important part of the culture of society as a whole, is not only a consumer of this culture, but, receiving and processing ideological-theoretical and scientiǁc-philosophical information, it enriches the culture, ǁlling it with new meaning, vision, special values in the ǁeld of scientiǁc knowledge, Eeories and methods of physical education, development, education and sports training. Ee article discusses the signiǁcance and sociocultural functions of physical culture. Ee results of a theoretical analysis of the historical conditions of the emergence of physical culture in ancient Greece, the content of material and spiritual values that make up physical culture are presented, the signiǁcance of special and general cultural functions of physical culture, its role as an eȻective means of forming a holistic multi-faceted personality, moral and physical health of a nation are revealed. An empirical study of the status of physical culture as a sociocultural phenomenon has been carried out. To educate a person, it is crucial that at least in one of the spheres of social life ideal samples of values be created. Such examples of mutual respect, non-violence, democratic norms of behavior and other values of the world of culture are demonstrated by sports. At present, we have the opportunity to observe the situation of the unique mutual inЗuence of sports culture and world universal culture on the example of the activities of famous athletes, with the advent of social networks and media communications that have gained the opportunity of direct contact with a large audience. Ee study revealed what, from the point of view of the young generation, is the main role of physical culture in the development of society, at what level physical culture and sport are included in the culture of modern society, what is the signiǁcance of physical culture and sport in modern society.
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