e process of physical education of the future of a qualitatively healthy specialist should not be chaotic, one-sided, limited only to “schooling for regular motor activity”. It is necessary to update the professional application of the process of physical education of future managers in ac-cordance with the requirements of life, competitiveness and the requirements of the profession itself.Аt the Department of physical culture of the Academy of Public Administration under the Ae-gis of the President of the Republic of Belarus a search was undertaken for productive approaches to teaching physical education that meet the interests of innovative leaders who successfully imple-ment professional functions and personal potential. e result of this search was a pedagogical ex-periment proposed by students with higher education who receive a second higher education at the Institute of management specialists in absentia.e purpose of the experiment is the formation of the students’ competences that ensure the ef-fective solution of professional and social-personal tasks by means of physical culture and sports ac-tivities.In the experiment, a model of training forms of various courses on personal development was used, which, taking into account the three levels of tasks of professional-applied physical training, was adapted in accordance with the purpose of the experiment. ese trainings allow students in physical culture and sports activities of a playful and competitive type to develop specic abilities and skills that, through positive transference, will facilitate the implementation of professional activities in conditions with similar requirements in character. And also will allow the future leader to over-come possible personal diculties in ensuring his self-actualization in the labor process.ese diculties include the need to work in a team. In addition to having the necessary com-petencies, the success of the professional activity of a manager largely depends on the prevailing mo-tives and socio-psychological characteristics of the individual. e motives for achieving success and avoiding failures, the so-called positive and negative motivation has a signicant impact on a person’s behavior and, consequently, on the eŸectiveness of his activities. Studies have shown that in many cases, an adjustment of motivation is needed. Switching the “avoidance of failures’ motive among those for whom it prevails on the motive of “striving for success’ increases the orientation “towards a joint result with the team” and may aŸect the rest of the core competencies of the leader. Accord-ingly, the potential for analyzing and correcting the motivational prole of students through train-ings with the command character of the assignments is no less signicant.
Бюджет Республики Беларусь на 2019 год для граждан. URL: 2019.pdf. Дата доступа: 05.05.2019.
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