• Leonid Alexandrovich Kalinkin Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport Email: ecocenter06@mail.ru
  • Nikita Alexandrovich Kalinkin Somnomed Email: nkalinkin@inbox.ru
  • Evgenia Rostislavna Muntyan Southern Federal University Email: ermuntyan@sfedu.ru
Keywords: WWW-sport, WWW-game, WWW-Olympic games


The article investigates the possibility of transformation of passive-emotional reactionsof a person watching on TV (live) or recorded sports activities (tennis, handball, football, etc.)into active-emotional reactions. The transition to an active-emotional reaction of the audiencetakes place with the help of technology “WWW-Sport”, which implements the competitiveelements of “WWW-game”, designed to determine the winner among the most effective viewers.This is accomplished by the fact that on a television channel through a television camera or in arecording on a video recorder a real event is received on the screen of a television receiver, forexample, a sporting event. Prior to the broadcast of events, the practitioner is placed on a physicalactivity device, for example, a treadmill, with which it can arbitrarily change physical activity, forexample, increase or decrease the pace of running and transmit this information to the comparisonunit, which also receives information from the so-called “Console encoder”. At the encoder’s console,there is a coach or any person — an operator who has previously been trained to encrypt an eventobserved on the screen, for example, the trajectory of the ball and the point of contact of the ball withthe playing field. Comparison of the result of the action of the practitioner with the actual situationencoded by the trainer (operator) is carried out in the information comparison unit. An example isgiven of using such a sports technology called WWW Sport at the time of the final tennis game atthe 2000 Olympics in Australia, Olympic champion E. Kafelnikov.The use of “WWW-sport” technology is designed to promote healthy lifestyles of different agegroups of society, especially among students. “WWW-players’ should be familiar with the General principles and rules of “WWW-games’ before taking part in the “WWW-championship” in anysports simultaneously in different cities and countries. A key feature of the WWW game is that themain incentive for the physical activity of the “WWW-player”is a video PICTURE of a real game(for example, a handball competition or a football championship), which is broadcast on televisionto the place where the game is attended by “WWW-players”. The judges declare the winners of thegame after reviewing the intermediate results.


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How to Cite
Kalinkin L. A., Kalinkin N. A., Muntyan E. R. “WWW-SPORT” TECHNOLOGY IN THE PROJECT “WWWOLYMPIC GAMES” // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 407-413. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7127.
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