The aim of the research is the analysis of the efficiency of the methodology of the specialstamina improvement of racing skiers aged 15–16 in the conditions of training process. Two groupsof young men aged 15–16 took part in the research; they have been going in for competitive skiingwith qualifications: first senior degree, candidate master of sports. The first group (n=10) (control)has been training according to the standard training plan. The second (n=10) (experienced) —according to a modernized plan, based on the individual approach predominantly, up to 90 %, usingdeveloping and low-intensive work-out. At the initial and final stages of the research functionalvalues were defined, which characterized physical capability, training level and the development ofspecial stamina of the sportsmen’s organism: maximum oxygen consumption (PWC170), specialload index (SLI), integrative value “stamina coefficient”, six-component functional test, Martine test,timed inspiratory capacity test, index of functional changes (IFC), as well as the results of the controland speed trainings and the results of the competitions.The analysis of the efficiency of the methodology of the special stamina improvement of thesportsmen, going in for competitive skiing, has been conducted with the use of the special approaches.The tendency of the improvement of the values, characterizing special and general stamina, hasbeen revealed due to the introduction of the elaborated specialized training plan and individualapproach. It is stated that all the studied values, characterizing the level of functional changes of the experienced group, on the whole, have positive tendency, defining the increase of functionalcapacities, the number of values have significant changes. For the control group the changes are eitherminimum or absent at all. A negative dynamics is marked, the reasons of which can be a low levelof physical work capacity, possible over-training and sportsmen’s illnesses. The results of functionaltests and the success of the performance at the competitions prove the acceptance and possibility ofthe introduction of the proposed methodology, based on the load dosing, the development of aerobiccapacities, the individual approach as well as the control of functional values of sportsmen whiledeveloping the quality of special stamina
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