The features of the development of aerobic endurance of tennis players are considered. It is shown that the focus of the training process of tennis players 12-14 years old requires the primary development of endurance. To identify the effectiveness of the training we developed, we conducted an experimental study. The study involved tennis players of 12-14 years old (n = 20) training (stage of specialization) groups of the 3rd year of training in Kazan. In the course of a stating study, athletes 12-14 years old determined aerobic endurance using the test “6-minute shuttle run at a distance of 30 meters’ — the athlete runs a distance of 30 meters there and back for 6 minutes. During the study, the distance traveled by the athlete in 6 minutes (m) was measured. To assess the recovery processes after dosed work, the Harvard step test was used. The load was given in the form of climbing a step, 40 cm high for 5 minutes with a frequency of 30 lifts in 1 minute. Determine heart rate (HR) before and after exercise. Differences in test results between the experimental and control groups at the beginning of the pedagogical experiment are not significantly significant, which indicates the homogeneity of the groups. At the end of the experiment, significant changes occurred in the experimental group (t = 2.65, at p<0.05), in the control group, the changes were not statistically significant (t = 1.19 at p>0.05). Improvement in aerobic endurance during the experiment in the experimental group of tennis players 12-14 years old was in the test “6 min. running” — 8.5%, in the control — 3.8%; in the “step test” 28% and 24.5%, respectively. Thus, it can be argued that the training facilities we have proposed are effective and can be recommended for inclusion in the methodology of developing the endurance of tennis players at the stage of sports specialization. The use of options for the repeated method for the development of aerobic endurance using specially-trained training aids has been substantiated. A program for the development of aerobic endurance tennis players.
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