Currently, one in three families is incomplete. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in the health of adolescents and young people raised in full and single-parent families, their involvement in bad habits (Smoking and drinking alcohol). To compare the switchability of structures of the cortex and subcortical nuclei of the brain in adolescents and young people from full and incomplete families. The object of the study were teenagers and young people (620 people) living in Belarus and Russia. The sample is random.
It was revealed that the number of adolescents and young people registered for chronic diseases is higher among persons from single-parent families. The number of Smoking adolescents and young people from single-parent families is twice higher than from full families.
Initiation to alcoholic beverages earlier in persons from single-parent families. The number of adolescents who consume alcoholic beverages with a frequency of 1–3 times a month prevails among persons from single-parent families. In both groups of families the same subgroup consuming alcoholic drinks with frequency of 1–3 times a week is allocated.
Young people and adolescents from single – parent families have an average level of attention switching, while adolescents and young people from full families have a high level. Persons from single-parent families are characterized by lower mental performance and a higher degree of fatigue compared to adolescents and young people from full families.
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