• Nikolay Evgenievich Pisarev Transbaikal State University Email:
Keywords: interference, interference in sports, interference in the formation of motor skills, the number of repetitions in the study of movement


The article is devoted to the features of the formation of long-term memory and their impact on the training process. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of interference on the formation of motor skills and to find ways to eliminate its negative impact.

Two processes are associated with memory – remembering and forgetting, the necessary information must be remembered, the unnecessary – forgotten. There are a number of factors that contribute to or hamper the process of memorization. One of the factors contributing to forgetting is interference, in translation from Latin interferentis is mutually damaging. Interference is a phenomenon in which a deterioration of stored information occurs under the influence of other information. The phenomenon of interference was repeatedly scientifically confirmed, but has not yet found proper practical application in pedagogy. The meaning of this phenomenon is as follows. If an individual receives two blocks of information in a row and there is no pause between them or it is very short – this leads to forgetting both the first and second blocks (retroactive and proactive interference).

In the 21st century, the phenomenon of memory interference found its scientific explanation. It turned out that when performing any action (regardless of whether this action is known or studied), the information enters into short-term memory, and after completion of execution, consolidation takes place – the process of “rewriting” into long-term. Like any other work, this process requires time and energy, and if they are lacking, the information will not be consolidated, in other words, memorized.

In order to reduce the influence of interference on the process of consolidation of motor action, it is proposed: 1) when studying a complexly coordinated motor action, at the stage of learning, it is necessary to finish the exercise when receiving a positive result “Stop on victory”, not to make a mistake; 2) when studying several technical actions one after another, during rest, give a pause during which the student does not receive and does not betray any information.


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Author Biography

Nikolay Evgenievich Pisarev , Transbaikal State University

Graduate student. 



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How to Cite
Pisarev N. E. THE EFFECT OF MEMORY INTERFERENCE ON THE FORMATION OF MOTOR SKILL // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 1, № 17. P. 43-46. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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