Psychological consequences of violence

  • Svetlana Sergeevna Darenskikh Altai state university Email:
  • Anna Andreevna Trunova Altai state university Email:
Keywords: violence, consequences of violence, emotionality, domestic violence, parental violence, physical violence, emotional excitability


Abstract. The article presents the results of the study of emotional stability of boys and girls who experienced physical violence in childhood. Emotionality is considered as a generalized characteristic of the emotional sphere of a person, which affects the personality and its successful functioning. One of the reasons for the change in emotionality, manifestation and flow of emotions is the experience of violence. The article indicates the diversity in the definition of the concepts of "punishment", "ill-treatment", "violence" and the lack of a single conceptual apparatus. The authors talk about the consequences of experienced violence, which can be manifested in cognitive impairment, learning problems, low socio-economic status, problems with raising their own children. In this regard, the study was conducted emotionality of boys and girls aged 18-20 years. The sample was divided into empirical and control groups.

The authors conducted a study of the emotionality of boys and girls with experience of physical violence in the parental family. The article shows the peculiarities of emotionality in the empirical group in comparison with the control group. Characteristics of emotionality, such as "emotional excitability", "duration of emotions", "intensity of emotions" are more pronounced in the group of boys and girls who experienced violence in childhood. Consideration of the "negative impact of emotions on the effectiveness of activities and communication" through the prism of the situation of experienced violence, allows us to talk about less efficiency in communication and activity in a group of boys and girls with experience of violence in childhood. It was revealed that boys and girls are more likely to show anxiety and rigidity. Connections of various characteristics of emotionality of mental States and characterological accentuations of the personality are shown. It was revealed that girls and boys with experience of violence in the parental family are more emotionally excitable, anxious, with a pronounced rate of emotional reaction. Girls and boys are more withdrawn, indecisive in behavior, isolation from others. The respondents from the empirical group the necessary psychological support. 



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Author Biographies

Svetlana Sergeevna Darenskikh, Altai state university

Altai state university, associate professor of social psychology, candidate of psychological science

Anna Andreevna Trunova, Altai state university

master student, faculty of psychology and pedagogy Altai state university


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How to Cite
Darenskikh S. S., Trunova A. A. Psychological consequences of violence // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 2, № 18. P. 227-233. URL:
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