Determination of visual memory in judoists and grapplers (wrestling)

Keywords: judo, grappling, visual and image memory, training process


Annotation. The article is devoted to the study of visual and image memory in representatives of the wrestling disciplines such as judo, grappling (wrestling) of various qualifications. A modified test: "Memorization of throwing and wrestling elements" is developed based on the "Image recognition" method by T. G. Bogdanov and T. V. Kornilov. A comparative analysis is carried out taking into account age characteristics, sports qualifications and intraspecific specialization. At this stage, the role of visual and image memory in the wrestling disciplines of judo and grappling is studied including the following. Visual and image memory development for athletes of various sports qualifications is determined, the means of wrestlers` sports practice applied to memorize and use the gained experience in the training and competition process are identified. the main technical and tactical actions used by wrestlers to unbalance opponents in order to successfully complete the throw are defined. The modified test "Memorization of throwing and wrestling elements" is theoretically developed and experimentally justified to determine the level of visual and image memory. The results obtained confirm the high efficiency of developing visual and image memory in athletes representing the wrestling disciplines of judo and grappling. Thus it provides further effective training for highly-qualified athletes (Ткачева, 2012).   The educational experiment contributes to improving the training process quality of wrestlers and subsequently the effectiveness of further competitive activities.


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Author Biographies

Gryaznykh Andrey Vitalievich , Ugra state university

associate professor, doctor of biological sciences

Mustafin Valentin Radikovich , Ugra state university

Master's degree in "physical culture"


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How to Cite
Gryaznykh A. V., Mustafin V. R. Determination of visual memory in judoists and grapplers (wrestling) // Health, physical culture and sports, 2020. Vol. 19, № 3. P. 97-105. URL:
Physical training and sports activities
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