• Pats Natalia Viktorovna Grodno State Medical University Email:
  • Bashynskaya Kseniya Michailovna Grodno State Medical University Email:
  • Sergey Vasilisa Vladimirovna Grodno State Medical University Email:
Keywords: skin temperature, students, chronic gastritis, remission


One of the criteria for evaluating the processes of thermoregulation is the temperatureof the human skin, which varies depending on external and internal factors. The skin temperatureat various points on the human body has its differences not only in the norm, but also the body reactsby changing the skin temperature in pathology. Objective: to determine the skin temperature at fourpoints (on the forehead, shoulder, chest, hand) in young people with chronic gastritis in remissionand compare it with the skin temperature at similar points in healthy people.Materials and methods. Object of research: 140 students aged 19–20 years. All the subjects weredivided into two groups: students with chronic gastritis, healthy students (control group).The study was conducted on the basis of the Grodno State Medical University. The skin temperature was determined by an electrothermometer at the following points (right and left): on the forehead —3–4 cm from the midline, on the chest-at the level of the 4th intercostal space, on the shoulder-inthe middle of the midline on the outer surface, on the hand—on the back side between the first andsecond fingers. The study of skin temperature was carried out in a room at a temperature of +20,relative humidity of 48%.Results. In the forehead area, the average temperature in people with chronic gastritis is 0.55°Chigher than the average temperature in healthy people. In the fourth intercostal space, the differencebetween the average temperature of healthy people and those with chronic gastritis was 0.8°C.In the area of the right hand-the skin temperature in people suffering from gastritis is higher thanin healthy people by 0.4 °C. The average temperature on the shoulder in people with chronic gastritisis 0.95°C higher than the average temperature in healthy people.Conclusions. The indicators of skin temperature in persons with chronic gastritis are significantlyhigher (p < 0.05) than in healthy people in the forehead, shoulder, 4th intercostal space (left andright), on the hand only on the right.


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Author Biographies

Pats Natalia Viktorovna, Grodno State Medical University

Ph. D. (candidate of medical Sciences), associate Professor of the Department of General hygieneand ecology Educational institution

Bashynskaya Kseniya Michailovna, Grodno State Medical University

Student of the Medical faculty Educational institution

Sergey Vasilisa Vladimirovna, Grodno State Medical University

Student of the Medical faculty Educational institution


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How to Cite
Pats N. V., Bashynskaya K. M., Sergey V. V. SKIN TEMPERATURE AT VARIOUS POINTS IN HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH CHRONIC GASTRITIS IN REMISSION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2021. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 30-37. URL:
Medical and biological issues of human health
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