• Tikhonovich Trans-Baikal State University Email:
Keywords: autistic children, board sports games, motor activity, playing practice, physical rehabilitation


The article presents studies of game teaching methods for correction of motor disorders in children with autism spectrum disorder undergoing rehabilitation in a medical and social center. It is shown in the study that the inclusion of board sports games in complex rehabilitation in children from the experimental group during 6 months significantly improved the indicators of basic gaming skills, individual and team playing practice, in comparison with children from the control group engaged only in developing, entertaining games. A differential approach and dosed physical activity during individual and group classes with such games as matryoshka, shuffleboard, culbuto, jaccolo, elastic and others contributed to an increase in individual resources of social and physical activity, as well as improved communication limitations and psycho-emotional state.


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Author Biography

Tikhonovich , Trans-Baikal State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Regional Center for Inclusive Education


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How to Cite
Kokhan S. FORMATION OF PLAYING ABILITIES IN AUTISTIC CHILDREN ENGAGED IN BOARD SPORTS GAMES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 4-16. URL:
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