• Svetlana Khvostenko Vyatka State University Email:
Keywords: physical education, preschoolers, strength, motor activity


The article is devoted to the problem of developing leg strength in children aged 3–6 years. The issues of insufficient motor activity of preschoolers have been studied. The role of physical culture in preschool institutions for the growth and development of physical abilities of children aged 3–6 years is determined. The purpose of the article is to increase the level of development of leg muscle strength in children 3–6 years old engaged in physical education in a preschool institution. Recommendations on physical education for classes with preschool children are given.


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Author Biography

Svetlana Khvostenko , Vyatka State University

senior lecturer Department of physical Education


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How to Cite
Khvostenko S. DEVELOPING LEG MUSCLE STRENGTH IN PRESCHOOLERS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 33, № 1. P. 145-149. URL:
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