This article examines the impact of myofascial release as a means of developing students' flexibility in physical education classes at a higher educational institution. The relevance of this topic is due to the lack of scientific literature in the application of myofascial release in physical education classes in higher educational institutions. This study is aimed at defining goals, objectives and methods that contribute to improving such physical qualities as flexibility in physical education classes. Fitness is very popular among students, as students keep up with the times. In addition, they maintain their health at a good level, develop different physical qualities, thereby improving their psycho-emotional state.
Myofascial release is one of the methods of self-massage performed using special equipment such as rollers and balls, combined with soft stretching techniques. It can be used both before and after basic training, as well as as an independent tool, depending on the task at hand. Myofascial release will help relieve muscle tension and pain. It will also prepare the body for the upcoming physical activity and increase the mobility of all joints. Physical activity is of particular importance for students, most of whom spend a lot of time in a sitting position while studying. At the moment, there are a huge number of different tools and methods to improve the physical and psychological state of students in everyday life.
This study presents the results of a pedagogical experiment that evaluated the effectiveness of the use of myofascial release to increase the flexibility and plasticity of female students aged 18-22 years engaged in physical education at a higher educational institution.
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