The article examines the processes of adaptation and socialization of foreign students in the process of learning in the university in order to develop methods of psycho-hygienic support of the process of adaptation to prevent possible negative consequences. Among the reasons that prevent adequate adaptation, there is a diŸerence in outlook and upbringing, ethnic vectors of behavioral responses and moral norms in society, religion, degree of religiosity, language and social barriers. In the work were used test methods of psychological research: — test for emotional intelligence (test N. Hall’s EQ); — test L. V. Yankovskiy “Adaptation of the person to a new socio-cultural environment”; — PGI test (Perceived Guilt Index) “Perceived guilt index”. e following types of adaptation have been studied: — radical, hyperadation, harmonic, conformystical, deviant, and socio-psychological maladjustment. It is shown that the process of socialization of migrant students in the conditions of educational migration is carried out in waves: the rst peak — deviant adaptation begins with the arrival of the student in the recipient country, and is caused by the lack of information about the legal eld and customs, moral and ethical standards society and language barrier. During this period, it is extremely important to provide complete information about the social arrangement of society, legal and moral and ethical rules, conducting psy-hygienic trainings in the students’ native language. To prevent the manifestation of elements of deviant or delicate behavior, it is necessary to pay attention to the initial state of internal components of behavioral reactions: motivation and purposefulness, level of cognitive processing of new information ows, emotional reactions, self-regulation processes, and readiness for socialization in new conditions.
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