• Ekaterina Sergeevna Praizendorf Altai State University Email:
  • Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Chizhova Altai State University Email:
Keywords: family, attitudes, gender, gender identity, adolescence


The study of the gender identity of adolescent children has recently become increasingly popular and in demand. Gender socialization leads to boys and girls acquiring specific qualities that lead to the formation of different types of gender identity in them. Gender identity is an aspect of self-awareness that describes a person's experience of themselves as a representative of a particular gender. The article analyzes and presents the results of an empirical study of gender attitudes concerning the distribution of roles in the family among girls and boys of older adolescence, depending on the type of their gender identity. For the study, the questionnaire "Proverbs", which was compiled by I. S. Kletsina, is used to study gender attitudes regarding the distribution of roles in the family; as well as the gender-role questionnaire With. BEM, used to diagnose psychological sex and determines the degree of androgyny, masculinity and femininity of the person, allows you to determine the type of personality: masculine, feminine, androgynous.The analysis of the results of the study leads to the conclusion that among older adolescent boys, the masculine type of gender identity is most often represented. Predominant in the structure of gender identity of girls of older adolescence is the feminine type. However, androgynous and masculine types are slightly less common, which indicates that the gender-role identity of teenage girls is not fully formed.The analysis of gender attitudes regarding the distribution of roles in the family showed that older adolescent boys in most cases represent traditional families, while older adolescent girls are focused on the egalitarian type of family relationships.The results of the study showed that boys and girls of older adolescence with different gender identities have features of gender attitudes that correlate with the distribution of intra-family roles.  This study will be continued and aimed at studying the peculiarities of the formation and development of sexual identity of children in different periods of adulthood. The results of the study can be useful in the practice of teachers-psychologists, psychological counseling and psychotherapeutic practice.


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Author Biographies

Ekaterina Sergeevna Praizendorf , Altai State University

2nd year postgraduate student of the faculty of psychology and pedagogy

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Chizhova , Altai State University

3rd year student of the faculty of psychology and pedagogy

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia



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How to Cite
Praizendorf E. S., Chizhova E. A. PERCEPTIONS OF FAMILY ROLES IN THE CONTEXT OF GENDER IDENTITY FORMATION // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019. Vol. 5, № 5(16). P. 33-41. URL:
Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
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