• Maxim Guryanov Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
  • Ivan Bocharin Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
  • Irina Stelnikova Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
  • Tamara Bardinskaya Privolzhsky Research Medical University Email:
Keywords: physical culture, motor activity, adaptation, educational process, Pilates system, foreign students


Recently, the share of foreign students in the higher education system, and in particular in the training of medical personnel, has been increasing every year. At the same time, training in the discipline “Physical Culture and sport” is an integral part of the educational process and professional training of students, including foreign countries. However, there are some difficulties in the implementation of various forms of physical activity among foreign students, in particular, the inability at the moment to implement for them a physical culture and sports complex “Ready for work and defense”, as well as difficulties associated with the language barrier. In accordance with these positions, it is urgent to study the opinions of students regarding the priority areas of physical activity. An anonymous online survey was carried out, in which 145 students of the first, second and third courses in the areas of “Medicine”, “Dentistry” and “Pharmacy” took part. The anonymous survey was created on the Google Forms platform. In the questionnaire, students were asked to answer several questions concerning the preferred forms of physical activity and the schedule of classes and sports, depending on the distribution of training sessions and sports sections in the sports and recreation complex of the Volga Research Medical University. In each question, students were asked to choose one of the answer options, where survey participants could indicate their preferences in classes. It was found that almost all respondents would like to engage in physical activity in various forms. At the same time, game sports prevail as the most popular for foreign students, and football is the most preferred. There is also an interest in other forms of classes, in particular, physical exercises using the Pilates system, which is implemented at the medical university in the curriculum on physical culture and sports for students of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is necessary to try to adjust the schedule of classes to ensure maximum coverage of various forms of physical activity of students of the foreign department. This gives motivation for further discussions about optimizing the schedule, taking into account the material and technical capabilities and the study of opinions in the framework of the implementation of physical culture among foreign students


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Author Biographies

Maxim Guryanov , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in medical science, Associate Professor, Head of the department of physical culture and sport

Ivan Bocharin , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Senior teacher of the department of physical culture and sport

Irina Stelnikova , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Advanced Doctor in medical science, professor, Head of the department of normal anatomy, Dean of the faculty of international medical education

Tamara Bardinskaya , Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Head of the International Cooperation Department


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How to Cite
Guryanov M., Bocharin I., Stelnikova I., Bardinskaya T. STUDY OF PREFERRED FORMS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AMONG FOREIGN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Health, physical culture and sports, 2022. Vol. 26, № 2. P. 29-39. URL:
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