In this paper, the purpose of the study is to assess the level of development of strength and speed abilities, flexibility among students of grades 10 and 11 based on the performance of physical exercises of the All–Russian sports complex "Ready for work and Defense". The study included 103 students of grades 10-11 of GBOU "Boarding Lyceum "Center for Gifted Children" at the age of 17 ± 0.8 years. Before performing the exercises, each study participant performed a warmup and warm-up for 15 minutes. Rest between exercises was up to five minutes, to restore breathing and eliminate oxygen debt. As test tasks, some exercises of the physical culture and wellness complex were selected, during which the skeletal muscles work in an auxotonic mode. The level of development of speed capabilities was assessed using the exercise "running for 60 meters", the level of development of strength capabilities was studied using the exercise "flexion and extension of the arms in the prone position", the level of flexibility was determined using the exercise "leaning forward from a standing position". Based on the obtained average values of the results, it was found that the students have sufficiently well–developed speed abilities, while there is insufficient development of strength qualities, where in boys they are marked on the border of the bronze badge, as well as satisfactory development of flexibility in girls and unsatisfactory - in boys. According to the results of cluster analysis, three clusters were identified among young men, where representatives of the first cluster are characterized by high speed and strength qualities, but a low level of flexibility. The students of the second cluster have low speed and strength indicators, but high flexibility indicators. In the third cluster, there are low speed and satisfactory strength qualities, but the flexibility characteristics are noted as the best among all groups of subjects. Among the girls in the first cluster there were students with below-average speed abilities and unsatisfactory characteristics of flexibility or strength qualities. Among the girls of the second cluster, there is a high level of speed abilities and an excellent level of flexibility, as well as an average level of strength abilities.
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