• Sergey Kokhan Trans-Baikal State University Email:
  • Baatar Bayasgalanmunkh Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences Email:
  • Bogdan Kazachenko Trans-Baikal State University Email:
  • Larisa Malakhova Trans-Baikal State University Email:
Keywords: sports, motivation, volunteer, youth, volunteering


Volunteer activities are almost always relevant among university students, especially when the reasons for volunteering align with their prior experience in volunteer work. The purpose of this study was to explore motivational characteristics by gender and age among university students using the six Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) and a questionnaire survey related to sports volunteering. It was found that for students aged 16-19, the most important functions were Understanding and Values. Among female students, the key motivating factors were Values, Understanding, and Enhancement. A significant number of students are most active over the month course of participating and helping with various mass sports events. However, at least half of all respondents are not part of volunteer groups focused on sports. This fragmentation among university students, due to the lack of a sports volunteer center, hampers the ability to optimize the engagement of all interested and undecided students in active volunteer work at sports tournaments, championships, and other mass sports events.


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Author Biographies

Sergey Kokhan, Trans-Baikal State University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Regional Center for Inclusive Education

Baatar Bayasgalanmunkh , Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Darkhan-Uul Medical School

Bogdan Kazachenko , Trans-Baikal State University


Larisa Malakhova , Trans-Baikal State University



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How to Cite
Kokhan S., Bayasgalanmunkh B., Kazachenko B., Malakhova L. MOTIVATIONAL FEATURES OF SPORTS VOLUNTEERING IN THE STUDENT ENVIRONMENT // Health, physical culture and sports, 2024. Vol. 34, № 2. URL:
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