• Elena Viktorovna Novichikhina Altai state University Email: nowichihina_lena@mail.ru
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Frolov Altai state pedagogical University Email: Olga_frolova_56@mail.ru
  • Elena Veniaminovna Romanova Altai state University Email: romanovaev.2007@mail.ru
  • Alexander Vladimirovich Kesler Altai state University Email: SandR0_o@mail.ru
  • Tatyana Viktorovna Dylkina Altai state University Email: tdylkina@mail.ru
Keywords: sport, smoking, athlete, nicotin, health risks


This article focuses on the topic of whether smoking and sports are compatible. Considered important components of the inşuence of cigarettes on the human body, namely the ratio of regular smoking and sports. Questions such as: how the body reacts to the ingestion of large amounts of nicotine aǁer exercise, why it is necessary to give up the bad habit, the elect of smoking on the nervous system of athletes and their body as a whole, whether it makes sense to people who are exposed to this addiction, to play sports and comply with the regime. Fe results of a survey of AltSU students on the research topic and their analysis are presented. In the spring of 2019, we conducted an anonymous survey among 2–3 year students of AltSU in order to identify the number of students who have a bad habit — smoking. 336 students participated in the survey. Fe results of the survey, state that 87.8 % of respondents have tried or smoked for some time. 28.6 % of students smoke at the time of the survey, of which 83.3 % regularly smoke for more than a year, i. e. it’s already possible to talk about addiction, but 20.8 % of smokers are of the opinion that this bad habit is not addiction. All 100 % of «smokers’ say they know about the dangers of smoking. It is worth noting that 13.5 % of smokers go in for sports regularly (mainly in ǁtness clubs and gyms). It is especially pleasing that among the students participating in the survey, namely 7.7 %, engaged in various sports in the University’s sports club and sports schools in the city, not a single student smokes.


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How to Cite
Novichikhina E. V., Frolov M. I., Romanova E. V., Kesler A. V., Dylkina T. V. ON THE QUESTION OF THE COMPATIBILITY OF THE CONCEPTS “SPORT” AND “NICOTINE” // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 109-113. URL: http://hpcas.ru/article/view/7084.
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