The main hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the organization of pedagogical work on the prevention of bad habits in students will be successful if it is inextricably linked with the formation of healthy lifestyle skills, attitude to one's health and the health of others as an essential social value. In the course of the work, the following tasks were set to select psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods to identify the type of personality, level of self-esteem, level of dependence on alcohol, smoking among students, to develop and test a program for the prevention of bad habits of students. To solve the tasks and verify the initial assumptions at different stages of the study, a set of mutually complementary research methods was used: - diagnostic (observation, questioning, testing); statistical (analysis and data processing). An analysis of the survey data on the frequency, motives, reasons, and features of tobacco and alcohol use made it possible to establish that the use of alcoholic beverages by students begins very early. 36.4% of the respondents attribute their first use of alcoholic beverages to the age of 18 years. The reasons for students to drink alcohol are most often the result of unorganized leisure activities, idleness, which create favorable conditions for the development of various forms of deviant behavior. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its content, the results and conclusions can be used: in modern educational preventive work with students from the social risk group; as a basis for the development of educational programs for the prevention of bad habits in various types of educational institutions
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