Health, Physical Culture and Sports ISSN 2414-0244
The journal is published four issues per year.
Articles are published free of charge and without fees
Main sections of the journal:
1. Pedagogical, social , and philosophical issues of intellectual and physical culture
2. Medical and biological issues of human health
3. Physical training and sports activities
Journal is included in the International scientific databases:
E-Library.ru; ROAD; OpenDoar; WorldCat; IndexCopernicus; Google Scholar; CyberLeninka
The entire list of articles can be seen on the website: https: //www.elibrary. ru / title_items.asp? id = 56927
Our editorial staff introduces a new section "Life and Works of Prominent People: History and Present" . This section will publish articles about our contemporaries: outstanding scientists, educators, athletes, etc.
Editor-in-Chief: Romanova Elena,
Editor: Vorozheikin Anton
Chief editor of the section "Medical and biological problems of human health" Metlnikov Anton
Publisher: Altai State University
Mailing address: Altai State University, Lenin Prospekt, 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation
E-mail: asuelenavromanova@gmail.com
Key title: Zdorovʹe čeloveka, teoriâ i metodika fizičeskoj kulʹtury i sporta
Abbreviated key title: Zdor. čelov. teor. metod. fiz. kulʹt. sporta
ISSN: 2414-0244
© 2020